Kimmy & Rob's Engagements
I was so, so impressed with these two! Not only are they the cutest couple ever, but it's a whole different ball game when you can FEEL love radiating off of a couple. It's truly inspiring to see and feel when you're with them.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind they are marrying the right person.
I seriously have the BEST. JOB. EVER.
Love is inspiring. Taking photos of people in love is inspiring. Hearing their love story is inspiring.
It makes me become a better person and makes me try even harder to create beautiful photos that depict their love.
Kimmy and Rob are doing a Beauty and the Beast themed wedding (amazing!) and I did my very best to find a location that would reflect how they want their wedding to look.
I'd say we pulled it off pretty well ;-)
Love it! Congrats you two!
These are my favorites below :-)